Sheriff Martin Cuellar

1 (210) 401-1008

Washington DC

Sheriff Cuellar met with federal agencies, members of congress discussing, technology, grants, expansion of police service programs, & hiring disabled vets for border security programs.

Operation Border SMART

Meeting with Customs and Border Protection Headquarters in Washington, DC, with the Office of the Secretary for Homeland Security and agency representatives from Border Patrol, ICE, and HSI. We discussed Operation Border SMART, a security plan initiative by the Webb County Sheriff's Office to better protect and secure our border. Border SMART consists of cameras, sensors, air support, and the hiring of disabled American veterans to monitor our border security.

UISD Game Show Presentation

Sheriff Cuellar hosted the UISD Knowledge for College Game Show at United High School. Students from Malakoff Elementary and Col. Santos Benavides Elementary pledged to stay in school, respect their teachers and parents, and stay off drugs.

Operation Border SMART Presentation

At our Presentation in Austin TX we stressed the importance of adding more technology along the Texas-Mexico border, from Val Verde County to Starr County. This is being done in an effort to keep our border and Texas residents safe.

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